
Viking Travel Coins

Created by Jim Wirth

Everyday carry coin for the traveler, no matter the journey.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

4 Days until BackerKit surveys are locked down - have you completed yours?
over 4 years ago – Fri, Jul 17, 2020 at 01:40:50 AM

Hi everyone!

There are only 4 days left until I lock down the Backerkit surveys so I can get final counts of all of the product I need to order from my production partners.  

BUT, there are still 170 backers who have not completed their survey!

If you received a survey but have not completed it yet, PLEASE do so as soon as possible.  It only takes a few seconds to complete.

If you have not seen your survey, then PLEASE email me at [email protected] so I can reply with the link to your survey.

I'm really hoping to have all of the surveys complete by July 20, so we can move to the next phase of the project.



Viking Travel Coin BackerKit Surveys are flowing in.... Thank You!!
over 4 years ago – Sun, Jul 12, 2020 at 09:56:57 AM

Over 75% of you have completed your Viking Travel Coin BackerKit surveys!  Fantastic!!!!

If you have not completed your survey yet, it's quick and easy to do, once you open it from your email.  

Can't find your survey in your email? Check your spam folder.  Do a search in your email on "Jim Wirth" or "Viking."  If all else fails, just email us at [email protected] and we'll reply with the link to your survey.

We are getting very excited to determine the final counts of products we need, so we can get everything ordered as soon as possible from the mint, and from our leather guy and good friend Greg Stevens.  Greg will be pretty busy, as over 400 leather coin sleeves have been added on by backers who have completed their surveys!

Looking forward to seeing the rest of your surveys come in soon!

Best regards,


Viking Travel Coin Pledge Surveys are out!
over 4 years ago – Thu, Jul 09, 2020 at 07:13:02 PM

Dear backers,

Your BackerKit survey has been emailed! When you open your survey, please fill in the following:

  • What coin finishes you want.
  • What add-on items you want (You can add as much as you want - the shipping fee has already been included in your original Kickstarter pledge!)

We understand surveys can be confusing, so we are listing out some of the common questions below for you. Please read carefully, and if you need more help, please contact us by message or email to [email protected].

1)  I can’t find my Survey! Where is it?

To find your survey email, you can search your inbox for "Jim Wirth" or for “Viking." You should also check your SPAM folder if you have one.

If all else fails, email [email protected] and request a new survey invite to be sent to you.

2)  Can I buy more stuff at special discount?

Yes, and this survey is your last chance to do it. When you finish your survey questions you'll be presented with a screen that looks like a web store, and it includes some of our previous products like Carpe Diem Coins and Carpe Noctem Coins, some items available here at a discount from the regular price on our website. Here you can add whatever products you want to your reward, shipping fee has already been included in your reward!

3)  How does the add-on thing work?

It's very straight forward. Just add on whatever items you want to your reward. If the cost of those items exceeds what you pledged, you can pay the difference via Paypal or credit card.

If you pledged more money than the value of your award+shipping, you'll see a credit when you get to the Add-On screen. As you add things to your reward, that credit will decrease. If your credit hits $0 and you keep adding things, then you will owe additional funds. Once you are finished adding items you can pay those additional funds via credit card or Paypal in the next step.

4)  I’m moving soon! What should I list as my shipping address?

Please give us your expected shipping address for the September timeframe. If you don't know what your address will be during that time, we recommend not filling out your address yet. We'll let you know when we're ready to start shipping, and at that time you can go in and enter your correct address.

5)  I want to change my survey after submitting it! Can I do that?

Yes, you can change anything until we "lock down" all completed surveys to prepare for shipping. We’ll remind you at that time in case you might want to make one last pass at them. Note that we cannot lock down surveys that are incomplete. You must fill out your survey in full in order for us to ship.

We hope that the above info can help you complete your survey.

Carpe Diem EDC

BackerKit Surveys coming very soon!
over 4 years ago – Thu, Jul 09, 2020 at 08:48:16 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Thanks again for backing the Viking Travel Coins!!! - Timeline going forward
over 4 years ago – Mon, Jun 22, 2020 at 10:36:28 AM

Our journey towards bringing the Viking Travel Coins has reached its second milestone!  The Kickstarter Campaign successfully closed yesterday, and again we are totally blown away by the response we received!  Thank you!!

As a reminder of what the remainder of our journey looks like, please refer to the project timeline below, which was posted in the Kickstarter Campaign story...

Our goal is to have all backer rewards shipped out by the end of September. If we can get them out any sooner, we definitely will!  But with over 2,000 backers, we have a ton of work ahead of us to package each product, print all the pick lists and shipping labels, and pack the orders for shipping. We will keep you posted as we progress through the timeline above.

Best regards,
